Friday 12 August 2011

And so it begins...

Here we go. I have now officially started my fundraising for my year in Swaziland. I must admit that it is more daunting than i first expected, although I am being helped by my wonderful mother (cheers mum!).
Now the letters have been printed, breaking my printer in the process, and sent out to many, many people who I hope will be generous enough to give me a wee donation. :)

Throughout this year I will be organising many fundraising events: bag packing, car boot sales and a ceilidh to name a few. I will try to update this blog as much as possible to show my progress in reaching that far off total of £5,100.


Now a few words must be said about Selection. First off, I'm pretty miffed that I am going to have to wait an entire year to go back to Coll for Training! I didn't know I would like a place so much from just being there 5 days. There were so many people to meet and so much to talk about from every single project to general chit chat.

My host family were unbelievably lovely and Jenny, Sally and I felt like a part of the family.

Selection 20-24 June 2011

After several discussions and forms about the countries that were available I made my choices. After only a week I was told that I would travelling to Swaziland to teach school children!
It's such a big decision - to move to Africa for a year - but now that the planning and fundraising is in full swing, I'm becoming more and more excited about my adventures.

Bring it on!